The Research Team
Megan A. Alderden

Megan A. Alderden is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Saint Xavier University in Chicago. Dr. Alderden recently completed her PhD in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research focuses on detective and prosecutorial decision-making in regard to the processing of sexual assault cases through the criminal justice system. Her research interests include women in the criminal justice system, policing, victim- police interactions, and case decision making.
Gary Cordner is Professor of Criminal Justice at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania and a Commissioner with the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). Previously he served as Professor of Police Studies and Dean of the College of Justice & Safety at Eastern Kentucky University, Director of the Kentucky Regional Community Policing Institute, President of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS), and Editor of the American Journal of Police and Police Quarterly. He also served as a member of the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council, Kentucky Criminal Justice Council, and Lexington/Fayette County Civil Service Commission. Gary worked as a police officer and police chief in Maryland and obtained his PhD from Michigan State University. He has co-authored the books Police Administration (7th edition forthcoming) and Police & Society (5th edition in preparation), co-edited five readers on policing topics, and authored numerous articles and book chapters. He is a recipient of the O.W. Wilson Award from the Police Section of ACJS, the ACJS Fellow Award, the Outstanding Criminal Justice Educator Award from the Southern Criminal Justice Association, and the Foundation Professor designation from Eastern Kentucky University.
Amy Farrell
Dr. Farrell is an Assistant Professor in the College of Criminal Justice and the Associate Director of the Institute on Race and Justice at Northeastern University. Her research focuses on the administration of justice with primary emphasis on measuring the effect of race and gender in police, prosecution and sentencing practices. She has also conducted research on police legitimacy and law enforcement responses to new crimes such as hate crime and human trafficking. She is currently overseeing a national human trafficking data collection program for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Dr. Farrell has testified about law enforcement identification of human trafficking before the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee. Her research has appeared in numerous scholarly publications including recent publications in Crime and Delinquency, Law and Society Review and the Annals of the Academy of Political and Social Science. Dr. Farrell was a co-recipient of the National Institute of Justice’s W.E.B. DuBois Fellowship on crime justice and culture in 2006. She received her Ph.D. in Law, Policy and Society from Northeastern University in 2001.
Lorie Fridell

Dr. Lorie Fridell is an Associate Professor and Graduate Director in the Department of Criminology at the University of South Florida (USF). Prior to joining USF in August of 2005, she served for six years as the Director of Research at the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF). Dr. Fridell has 20 years of experience conducting research on law enforcement, primarily on police use of force and violence against police. She is a national expert on racial profiling, or what she calls “racially biased policing.” She has authored, co-authored or edited numerous books, among which are Police Use of Force: Official Reports, Citizen Complaints and Legal Consequences; Police Vehicles and Firearms: Instruments of Deadly Force; and Chief Concerns: Exploring the Challenges of Police Use of Force. Recent articles and chapters on these and other research topics include “Use-of-Force Policy, Policy Enforcement and Training,” “The Impact of Agency Context, Policies and Practices on Violence against Police,” and “Deadly Force Policy and Practice: The Forces of Change.” Dr. Fridell has served as Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on projects funded at close to $7 million. She has taught at the University of Nebraska and Florida State University and has received five university-level teaching awards.
Susan M. Hartnett

Susan M. Hartnett currently serves as the Associate Director of programs at the Center for Research in Law and Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Additionally, she is the Project Manager for the National Police Research Platform grant which is housed at the Center for Research in Law and Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Prior to that, she served as a Research Associate at the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University, and Co-principal Investigator for the evaluation of the Chicago Project for Violence Prevention’s CeaseFire program. She also served as the Co-principal Investigator on the evaluation of the Chicago Police Department’s I-CLEAR (Chicago Law Enforcement and Reporting) project, and as the Project Manager on the evaluation of the Chicago Police Department’s CAPS (Chicago’s Alternative Policing Strategy) program. Her background includes 25 years of survey research and program evaluation. She has co-authored two books on community policing: Community Policing, Chicago Style, Oxford University Press, 1997 and On the Beat: Police and Community Problem Solving, Westview Press, 1999.
William P. McCarty

William P. McCarty is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminology, Law and Justice at the University of Illinois-Chicago. He received his Ph.D. in criminal justice from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 2008. His research interests include neighborhoods and crime, policing, and quantitative research methods. His recent works have appeared in Criminal Justice and Behavior and Crime & Delinquency.
Jack McDevitt is the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate studies at the College of Criminal Justice at Northeastern University. Jack also directs the Institute on Race and Justice and the Center for Criminal Justice Policy Research. Jack is the co author of three books, Hate Crimes: The Rising Tide of Bigotry and Bloodshed, Hate Crime Revisited: American War on Those Who Are Different (both with Jack Levin) and Vi
ctimology (with Judy Sgarzy). Jack is presently leading a team providing technical assistance and evaluation support to the Shannon Community safety Initiative a $11,000,000 statewide effort to reduce gang violence in Massachusetts. He has also co-authored a number of reports on racial profiling including a monograph for the US Department of Justice and Statewide reports from Rhode Island and Massachusetts on the levels of disparity in traffic enforcement. Jack is Co-principal Investigator with Dr Amy Farrell of a national evaluation of the recent Police Integrity Initiative of the US Department of Justice’s Office of Community Orientated Policing Services (COPS). Jack has trained thousands of law enforcement officials over the past 25 years most recently in conjunction with the New England Regional Community Policing Institute. Over this period he has published numerous articles on a wide variety of topics in criminal justice. He has spoken on hate crimes, racial profiling and security both nationally and internationally and has testified as an expert witness before the Judiciary Committees of both US Senate and the US House of Representatives and as invited expert at the White House.
Stephen D. Mastrofki

Stephen D. Mastrofski is University Professor and Director of the Center for Justice Leadership and Management at George Mason University. His research interests include police discretion, police organizations and their reform, and systematic field observation methods in criminology. Professor Mastrofski currently leads a team of researchers that supports the transformation of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. He is also engaged in research projects on measuring the quality of street-level policing, measuring the lifecourse of police organizations, and assessing the impact of race on police decision making. Professor Mastrofski has been a Visiting Fellow at the National Institute of Justice and the Office of Community Oriented Policing, and he has consulted for a variety of public and private organizations. In 2000 he received the O.W. Wilson Award from the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences for education, research, and service on policing. He served on the National Academy of Sciences panel on Police Services and Practices that published a book entitled Fairness and Effectiveness in Policing: The Evidence. In 2008 he and his coauthors received the Law and Society Association’s article prize for their article on Compstat.
Dennis P. Rosenbaum

Dennis P. Rosenbaum, PhD in Psychology, is Professor of Criminology, Law and Justice and Director of the Center for Research in Law and Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is the Principal Investigator for the National Police Research Platform. Previously, he served in the positions of Director of Graduate Studies, Department Head, and Dean. In 1997 he founded and co-directed the Institute for Public Safety Partnerships, a regional community policing institute that continues to provide education and training to law enforcement agencies and community organizations. Dr. Rosenbaum’s areas of research expertise include police organizations, the life course of police officers, community policing, hot spots policing, community and school-based prevention, interagency partnerships and program evaluation methods. Dr. Rosenbaum has completed eight books including Community Policing (1994) and Preventing Crime (1998). Dr. Rosenbaum regularly serves as an advisor to local, state, federal and international agencies in the public safety field and is currently the United States’ representative on the Scientific Committee of the International Center for the Prevention of Crime. Dr. Rosenbaum serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Quantitative Criminology and is a Fellow in the Academy of Experimental Criminology, devoted to promoting randomized control trials.
Wesley G. Skogan

Wesley G. Skogan, PhD, holds joint appointments with the Political Science Department and the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University. His research focuses on the interface between the public and the legal system, in policing, community involvement in crime prevention and victim services. His most recent books on policing are: Police and Community in Chicago (2006), Community Policing: Can It Work? (2003), On the Beat: Police and Community Problem Solving (1999) and Community Policing, Chicago Style (1997). They are empirical studies of community policing initiatives in Chicago and elsewhere. Another line of his research concerns neighborhood and community responses to crime, including fear of crime, the impact of crime on neighborhood life, and crime prevention efforts by community organizations. Prof. Skogan has been a visiting scholar at the Max-Planck-Institut (Freiburg), UNICRI in Rome, the Dutch Ministry of Justice (WODC), the University of Alberta, and Johns Hopkins University. He spent two years as a Visiting Fellow at the National Institute of Justice. He served as a consultant to the British Home Office, developing and analyzing the British Crime Survey. From 1999-2004 he chaired the National Research Council’s Committee on Research on Police Policies and Practices, and he co-edited the committee’s report, Fairness and Effectiveness in Policing: The Evidence.